Is your average purchase value sustainable?

The average purchase value is one of the sales performance metrics that you can use when developing a sales growth strategy, revenue projections, and forecasting. It shows the average sales value of each transaction and, in our example, you can see 3 different packages or categories: basic, premium, and professional. It’s interesting to compare the average purchase value with the number of opportunities since you can immediately see how they correlate. Besides, this is one of our sales KPI examples that can tell you if you need to offer more incentives to your customers in order to increase your chance to sell higher-end products or services.

Performance Indicators

Compare your average purchase value with your past performance in order to understand if the metrics increased or not and look into it together with the number of opportunities.

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Anthony Crilly

Anthony Crilly is a Business Sales Expert with decades of successful experience in selling and customer engagement. Anthony specializes in business-to-business go-to-market strategies for technologies and regularly attends training session s to showcase his evolving tech trends, such as self-service, health and wellness, and people analytics tools. A strong believer in the power of positive thinking in the workplace. Anthony regularly develops internal wellness and unique value propositions campaigns to assist businesses with effective physical and mental health techniques as well as business acquisition and growth techniques. Anthony enjoys a good run, bike, swim tri-athletic performance as well as a Netflix binge but can also be found on long runs and bike rides on hilly country roads in the Adirondacks or on Conesus Lake.

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