These Are The Industries With The Most Dissatisfied Employees

We all have those days when we really hate our jobs. Hopefully, those are few and far between for most of us. However, for many people hating your job is the status quo. Student loan refinancing firm Comet decided to look into how much dissatisfaction with a company would take someone from just having negative thoughts about their job to actually moving to a different employer or just quitting.

They surveyed over 1,000 employees about what frustrates them in their current careers and they found that these were the top industries citing the most dissatisfaction.

Top industries citing dissatisfaction

  1. Hotel, Food Services, and Hospitality 31.2%
  2. Wholesale and Retail 28.3%
  3. Transportation and Warehousing 20.6%
  4. Information Services and Data Processing 19.8%
  5. Technology 19.5%
  6. Arts Entertainment and Recreation 16.7%
  7. Medical and Health Care 16.3%
  8. Education 15.0%
  9. Manufacturing 13.7%
  10. Scientific 13.4%
  11. Finance and Insurance 13.0%
  12. Government and Public Administration 12.7%
  13. Construction 11.0%
  14. It ain’t easy work in the service industry it seems. This is why there are such high rates of turnover in these fields.Tech jobs also made it high in the rankings which isn’t surprising considering earlier this summer when Ladders wrote about a survey from workplace app Blind that found that out of 11,487 users, many of whom work in Silicon Valley, half of them were experiencing burnout from work. This is why the survey found that more than three-quarters of technology workers have contemplated leaving their jobs, the largest portion of any industry. It shows you that even if a fancy company has numerous perks, it really comes down to the culture.

    Top reasons for dissatisfaction by industry

    Lack of appreciation/recognition ranked high for top reasons for job dissatisfaction in the tech industry the survey found. Take a look at the other reasons for unhappiness in industries in the graphic below.

    Resignation contemplation

    And here are the number of employees who have contemplated resigning from their jobs:


What do you think about economy and dis-satisfaction in the labor force? Do you agree? If you would like to comment on this article or anything else you have seen on my feed, share your thoughts in the comment area below.

Anthony Crilly

Anthony Crilly is a Business Sales Expert with decades of successful experience in selling and customer engagement. Anthony specializes in business-to-business go-to-market strategies for technologies and regularly attends training session s to showcase his evolving tech trends, such as self-service, health and wellness, and people analytics tools. A strong believer in the power of positive thinking in the workplace. Anthony regularly develops internal wellness and unique value propositions campaigns to assist businesses with effective physical and mental health techniques as well as business acquisition and growth techniques. Anthony enjoys a good run, bike, swim tri-athletic performance as well as a Netflix binge but can also be found on long runs and bike rides on hilly country roads in the Adirondacks or on Conesus Lake.

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